Postdoc positions in Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Established in 2019, Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE, is an international research center for interdisciplinary ocean research–a bilateral collaboration between the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST, and the Pilot Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology.
CORE has four major research directions,
• Regional Ocean and Atmospheric Dynamics
• Regional Ocean Ecosystem and Environmental Processes
• Regional Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Ecosystem-PollutionEnvironment Modeling System for Climate Simulation and Forecasting
• Ocean Big Data, Information and Applications
International Research Platform of CORE (IRPC) intends to provide an international research collaboration platform for oversea scientists around the world. Scientists in IRPC ( are seeking postdoctoral fellows to work on a collaborative research topic. The postdoctoral researcher will be advised by IRPC scientists independently or jointly with CORE’s scientists. The position is based in HKUST but individual will be required to frequently spend time in the home institute of the oversea scientist. The position is for a 1-year contract and renewable. Salary and benefit are based on HKUST scale and on individual experience.
Applicant should have a PhD degree in oceanography, atmospheric science, environmental science, engineering or other relevant disciplines. Application will remain open until the positions are filled. To apply, please send a complete CV with past research experience and references to Applicant is also encouraged to contact our oversea scientist.